1. I’d say about 90-95%. It’s pretty traditional to let people walk along brand new offline state highway projects sometime before they open – Upper Harbour and Vic Park both had that.

      1. So did the new parts of the CMJ as I recall.

        Whatever you think of the government’s obsession for motorway construction that video was undeniably fascinating from a purely engineering point of view.

  1. The connection to the western motorway is going to be beyond hideous. It is spaghetti junction part II…

    1. It will simply deliver infarctions more efficiently to the CMJ. If the thing only connected north it would function better as a bypass, but as money and sense is no object with motorways under this government they are building a showy three layer interchange including lanes to the city, and these will simply shovel ever more traffic into the City, which is stupid. Which of course has already lead to spending on expensive expansion of SH16 all the way to Western Springs, costing us mature Pohutukawas and crazy lane widths, and money that should be going into the busting missing modes.

      I look forward with horror to NZTA’s plans for multi-billion $ double/triple stacking of the CMJ as a result of this lucrative-for-some uneconomic insanity.

      Still it’ll be fun riding my bike on the abandoned lane through the CMJ and laughing at the poor fools stuck in their cars for hours.


      1. Surely not Patrick, if you took the time to read the various comments on this blog you’d know that no one wants to travel to the CBD and this bypass will be just what the doctor ordered.

        And of course it completes the motorway network in Auckland, we need the get the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner ready for the opening.

        1. Maybe Dubya could lend us his Mission Accomplished sign (if not the aircraft carrier for the photo op)!

          He declared the end of a war that was in fact only really beginning… Maybe there’s something in there for motorway building in Auckland? 😉

    2. That’s an interesting perspective Simon. I travel through there about once a week and I think it is stunningly beautiful. Still, I would say that wouldn’t I, being both an engineer and a MAWG? So it must be true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I look forward to Patrick’s photos in due course, which are also always stunningly beautiful.

  2. What is CMJ? And again, the watetview interchange is beyond hideous. I mean, I’ve long understood that middle aged white males do not have the best aesthetic sensibilities, but this really is some next level horrid.

    1. Sorry; CMJ, the Central Motorway Junction. The dreary land-value-destroying, city-hating singularity, that hacks central Auckland off from its natural hinterland. The biggest urban motorway structure in Australasia, the stupidity at the heart of Auckland’s transport politics. That’s all. That thing that can’t decide whether it’s for delivering traffic through or to…. the thing that’s full and can’t handle more traffic.

  3. It’s really interesting that they don’t show any of the painfully slow work around Lincoln Rd, Te Atatu Rd etc and to think it’s going to go on for three more years. The project planners deserve to be buried under their own rubble.

    The big yellow thing is kinda cool in a Thunderbirdish sort of a way and it would be sad to lose all the tunnelling expertise built up here and not transfer it all straight onto the next job – the CRL.

  4. I see only darkness when I look at that sink hole of money at Waterview, where no expense is spared. Its the Key governments tribute to Colosseum with its pillars is starting to block out the sky. Utterly hideous, reminding me of the good old days of motorway building in the 70’s..

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