1. Hilarious – if it weren’t so true… Make this an obligatory listen for all voters come the next elections! (Now try and picture Brownlee stuck in a Beehive lift and not smirk…)

        1. Here is a synopisis of the program:

          Its a regular weekly satire slot on RadioNZ on Sundays (11:05am during Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw), produced by the RadioNZ Drama Dept.

          Heres the info from the website at RadioNZ:

          “Where does the real power in New Zealand lie? That’s right, with a bunch of bureaucrats, underlings, officials, and lowly-ranked list MPs that you and I have never heard of. Whether it’s in sport, politics, commerce, education or the arts, the only way to find out what’s really going on in this country is by going … Down the List…”

          Today – NZTA Official Simon Stop-Go attempts to hold a meeting with his officials and Minister.
          There is a short pre-amble segment where SImon is talking on the phone (to a farmer) who reports “a slip on the road to his farm, the bridge is a bit rickety, and the heavy rainfall has eroded the lane next to the riverbank. YEs that does sound extremely urgent”. He then says that they’lll get on it in about 3-4 years as they’re very busy with the RoNS as his is rural road and has to take the backseat and he’s about to have a meeting with everyone on the RoNS with some very important People.

          But they’re all not present due to being stuck in various traffic jams around the country (or run over a by bus in Manners mall in one case), and Gerry Brownlee is simply stuck (in a lift at the Beehive) so its a one on one with Ellen. Where Simon puts the Government position on the RoNS to her, and Emma points out the Flaw in Simons (and hence his Ministers and Governments) thinking. Theres also a comment from Simon that the RoNS are “Roads of National Party Signifigance”.

          Basically they take the mickey out of the RoNS and how its sucking down the money to the detriment of everything else transport related, all for some idealogical cause from Super Minister Stephen Joyce.

          Would be nice to have a transcript available.

        2. It’s a satirical “meeting” inside NZTA. Pretty much a catalogue of the litany of National’s failures to grasp that the transport landscape has changed, and states in veiled terms that their ideological wedding to “trickle down economics” as a justification for the Roads of National (Party) Significance is just as much bollocks as this blog has established over the extended period of its discussions on the topics.

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