A few weeks ago at the last transport committee there were presentations by both Kiwirail and Auckland Transport updating the committee on aspects of the electrification project. Much of it is probably already known by those that follow transport issues regularly but there is some new bits of information in here.

First up a presentation from Kiwirail

Click Here for video

The second video is from AT

Click here for video

The most interesting thing I took from these was that the Onehunga line would be the first have its wires livened (which will be around April) and that it will also be the first line to have EMU’s running on it. To me this makes a lot of sense as the line needs less trains to operate due to it being shorter which means AT can start showing off the ability of the EMU’s while it waits for more trains to arrive before making changes to the other lines.

There is also a third video giving an update on the EMU’s themselves but for some reason it doesn’t seem to want to work.


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    1. Yep, some interesting videos in there, would also be nice to be able to watch them all rather than some randomly not working.

      The videos from a few days ago of regarding Westfield are quite interesting

  1. I haven’t viewed the videos, but can anyone put a date on the point where we have most of the EMUs running? I might aim to move back to Auckland around then, I figure that will be the tipping point for Auckland public transport (and sustainable urban design).

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