This is the start of a new feature on here, a quick recap of all of the posts we have had from throughout the month. I think most post titles are fairly self-explanatory but any that aren’t I will try and give a brief description. Let us know what you think and if there are any other things you would like to see.
What does 2011 hold in store for public transport?
We could have integrated ticketing in place tomorrow – Why we don’t need a smart card to get integrated ticketing.
The importance of perception – How people’s perception of PT greatly impacts how they feel about it and how much they will use it.
Defending Westfield – Westfield looking to introduce fines for parking too long
Your help needed: making NZTA accountable – NZTA delaying and obstructing OIA requests
Measuring PT success – How bus patronage has fared over the last 8 years.
Further patronage analysis – A broader look at patronage across the entire PT system over the last 8 years.
Why not just buy them a dishwasher? – Questioning the benefits of transport projects.
Q&A with David Warburton – CEO of Auckland Transport
Frequent Network Mapping – Is there a better way to display our PT maps?
Auckland’s Public Transport Network in Action
Dare I hope for better buses? – Are there some simple things that could be done to really improve buses?
Real time bus tracker Chicago using technology to better inform people when their bus will arrive
Don’t forget the public transport users
Forcing urban sprawl – Our current planning rules have actually forced sprawl rather than tried to contain it like many believe.
Planning controls and urban sprawl
Transport and the Auckland Spatial Plan
PT Developments
Trams are actually on their way back The Wynyard Quarter heritage tramway starts to take shape
Onewa Road’s extended T3 lane The “T3” lanes on one of Auckland’s busier bus routes get an important extension.
Cleaning up Otahuhu bus station
Changes to monthly GoRider passes
Bus changes: simplification or just confusion? Is it really route simplification when you just change the numbers?
More secrecy from NZTA – The NZTA’s true thoughts on Puhoi to Wellsford
Integrated ticketing: the real work begins
Auckland Council’s submission on Puhoi-Warkworth
Thinking Ahead
More Northwest Motorway Widening – Widening of SH16 around Lincoln Rd and Royal Rd and that there is no RTN being built.
Just how fast will our Electric Trains be?
Northern Busway extension a reality? – The NZTA is investigating extending the Northern Busway
150m public transport trips by 2021? – Is Len Brown’s vision for Auckland’s PT patronage realistic? How might we achieve it?
Expanding the ferry network – The most commented on post this month
Puhoi-Warkworth: my submission
Thinking differently about ‘rail to the airport’ – The future of Auckland Airport
K Street Transitway A proposal in Washington DC for median bus lanes.
Improving the CBD section of the Northern Busway – Improving the CBD section of the Northern Busway
Council’s expectations of Auckland Transport
Improving the bus system – without breaking the bank
B-Line on weekends too? – The advantages of high frequencies for PT off peak
Keeping it lean and mean: getting the maximum ‘bang for buck’ from the CBD tunnel (Part 1)
Keeping it lean and mean: getting the maximum ‘bang for buck’ from the CBD tunnel (Part 2)
Yip good idea and a nice recap