Wow this is a really really bad week for buses, and public transport in general, in Auckland. As I noted yesterday, the crazy idea of HOVs being introduced to the Northern Busway has reared its ugly head again – and the excellent busway may be ruined through the introduction of up to 360 vehicles per hour on the busway – around one every 10 seconds. And now, further analysis of the minutes of Auckland City Council’s Transport Committee meeting shows that the Council is wanting to change the Dominion Road bus lanes into what is called “bus T2 lanes”. Here are the relevant parts of the meeting’s minutes:

That the Transport Committee endorse the design scheme consultation for the midblock widening works comprising a separate bus T2 lane and cycle lane along the length of Dominion Road (between View Road and Denbigh Ave) noting that this includes removal of on-street parking along Dominion Road and report back to the Transport Committee August/September meeting.

That the Transport Committee endorse the consultation required to confirm the operational requirements for the bus T2 lanes in terms of hours of operation, the provision for T2 vehicles and alternative use of the lane when the bus T2 lane is not in force, through consultation with the business association, land owners and other stakeholders.

This is utter insanity! The very reason Dominion Road needs upgrading is because it carries a huge number of public transport users and they need “better bus lanes”. Buses run along Dominion Road every minute or two in the peak direction – as high a frequency as you would find anywhere in Auckland. Even during off-peak times we now have a bus every five minutes along Dominion Road. In many ways it is Auckland’s best bus route – and therefore not surprisingly it needs an upgrade.

So the idea of actually getting rid of the bus lanes and replacing them with “bus T2 lanes” – which I guess means that buses and any cars with two or more people can use them – is craziness. T2 lanes certainly have their place, along routes with not so many buses they are a good way to encourage car-pooling and utilise road space more efficiently. I support the T2 lanes along Tamaki Drive (although I was annoyed that funding for turning them from bus lanes into T2 lanes came out of the public transport budget) because only eight buses per hour run along there. But they simply do not make sense on Dominion Road – because there are so many buses! The entire point of a bus lane is to give public transport users a time-advantage over people driving, so that we encourage more people to get out of their cars and use public transport – so that congestion can be eased overall, and so that we can get better value for money out of our public transport expenditure.

Despite my previous protestations over the Auckland Transport CCO, I am starting to think that we need it as soon as possible, to kill off utterly stupid decisions such as this one from being made. Bring on November 1st; let’s just hope public transport in Auckland hasn’t been killed off by then.

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  1. Of course AT could just as easily do the same thing, or worse. At least with lots of ex ARTA people in high places hopefully this won’t happen though. I for one am looking forward to an independent body looking after transport as politicians tend to get in the way of so many of these important decisions, the ARC’s stance on the Parnell train station site is another good example of this kind of thing.

  2. Will ACC be able to push this through before the change over? I tend to agree that having politicians with no clue about PT making decisions like this is ridiculous.

  3. No I don’t think they will be able to push it through. The project isn’t due to be completed for another few years, and there shouldn’t be much design difference between bus lanes and T2 bus lanes. All that Auckland City can really hope to do in the next few month is a bit more design – I can’t see the bulldozers getting out for a while yet.

  4. I seriously was considering voting Banks, because I had reservations about Len Brown’s efficiency (rather than his politics). That decision was made for me today. Banks support for PT remains only skin-deep.

    Not good enough for Auckland. Not good enough for my vote.

  5. I always find T2 lanes a weird concept. I mean why don’t we simply say to all those people who are sitting in their cars, fuming about being delayed “Hey, tired of sitting in traffic – then why not give the bus a go?”

    I mean for every person in a car who can’t try the bus for some reason (e.g., they’re a plumber and have to carry heavy equipment around, they live absolutely miles from every bus stop, they have 3 children under the age of 6 etc etc) there must be 3 who can. I would think this is particularly likely to be true on a regional arterial like Dominion Road which sits in the center of a fairly densely populated part of Auckland.

  6. I suggest the existing car lanes be repainted “T5” lanes and the buslanes “T60” lanes…

  7. CitRats are the car party, pure and simply. The glossy new “PT sheen” is coming off with the rain nowadays.

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