1. That seems familiar… It is really well done… I found a good one about why the tar sands are so bad environmentally, a side effect of peak oil..? I’ll e-mail you the details…

  2. I watched a bit of this, but and the dead certainty of everyone in this doco is a bit offputting. Nobody can predict the future. I reckon nobody knows how much oil we have left.

    The world is a big place, and plenty of regions haven’t been explored for oil.

    There’s plenty of reasons to be pro-PT–chief among them the way car culture absolutely ruins cities–without the need to believe in overarching theories like the imminent peaking of oil prices. It strikes me as wishful thinking.

  3. Like I’ve said before, I’ve yet to encounter anyone who believes in peak oil who invests in oil futures.

    For if you believe in it and don’t invest presumably you:
    a) Don’t value money (in which case it seems hypocritical to argue for spending other people’s money); or
    b) Don’t really believe in peak oil enough to risk your own money to make a fortune from it.

    Presumably if you don’t wish to take that risk, then why should politicians take a risk with other people’s money?

    As Jeremy said there may be sound arguments to spend money on public transport separate from peak oil, but frankly anyone who preaches peak oil without putting their money where their mouth is, isn’t that convinced it is going to happen.

    1. Well if only I had the spare money to invest in oil futures I might. Another issue is that peak oil is likely to create wildly fluctuating prices over the next few years rather than a simple increase. I don’t want to risk having to sell at the bottom end of a wild fluctuation.

  4. “For if you believe in it and don’t invest presumably you:
    a) Don’t value money ”

    Or, more simply:

    a) People don’t have the money to invest
    b) Due to financial illiteracy most people don’t know how to invest in oil futures

  5. Liberty is at it again. If you don’t invest in peak oil then you don’t believe it will happen. Libertarian cult economics and psychology at its best(or worst).

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