Interesting article in today’s Herald about the Regional Land Transport Strategy:

Public consultation on Auckland’s 30-year transport planning blueprint has been delayed for a month after regional politicians denounced a draft document as lacking vision.

The Auckland Regional Transport Committee sent its draft strategy back for a partial rewrite, directing officers to beef up public transport aspirations and give urgency to a central Auckland rail tunnel and airport links.

I will comment more later!

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  1. Yeah I remember the first time I read through the Draft RLTS being pretty seriously underwhelmed. I was eagerly anticipating some great news, and to see Avondale-Southdown as the number 1 rail priority was pretty bizarre.

    Hopefully we see a real push for the CBD Rail Tunnel and Rail to the Airport in a revised document.

  2. Baguley’s certainly come a long way from the guy who didn’t want Grafton Bridge to be bus only hasn’t he?

    The obvious issue with the CBD Rail Tunnel is quite simply: “how the heck are we going to get the government to fork out $1.5 billion for rail?”

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