Auckland Transport recently consulted on cycle networks for the inner western suburbs of the isthmus. Now they’re doing the same thing but for the inner eastern suburbs.

Parnell newmarket cycle drawing

Aucklanders have an opportunity to shape the cycle network in the inner-east suburbs. Auckland Transport (AT) is seeking public feedback from today.

The public are being asked where they would like cycle routes in Meadowbank, Orakei, Remuera, Newmarket, Grafton and Parnell. They’re also being asked to identify specific locations that could be improved for cyclists, like busy intersections.

This is similar to a recent public engagement AT completed in the inner-west suburbs, which had a huge response. Auckland Transport’s cycling and walking manager, Kathryn King says there were almost 900 submissions and thousands of individual comments. “These will be fed into future cycling and walking projects in that area, this is AT’s new approach to developing the cycling network.”

She says once the network is confirmed the next step is to seek further community feedback as Auckland Transport develops designs for individual routes.

“Improving cycling connections to the city centre where thousands of people travel for work or study, is a key focus. We know that improving connections from these inner-east suburbs is how we get the biggest increase in cycling numbers for the money invested.”

Unlike the inner west where they marked out a proposed network, this time AT are starting from a completely blank map.

Parnell newmarket cycle network map

This consultation doesn’t mean that a complete cycle network in the area is about to be built tomorrow or even next year but AT say the aim is to complete most of it within the next ten years.

The consultation is open to 20 June.

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  1. Broadway needs a dedicated buslane, which can be used by cyclist. Bus are always late because of congestion is Broadway, and there are alot of cyclist passing through Broadway including lots of students.

    Building a buslane is like killing two birds with one stone!

    1. Buslanes yes but Broadway needs protected cycle paths. We should never be building another meter of combined bus/cycling facilities.

    2. Remuera Road needs a (proper) buslane too – especially the final westbound stretch (~500m) joining broadway, as this is a real bottleneck with cars turning into Nuffield St. The transit lane needs to be extended to meet broadway

  2. Is it possible that Broadway needs some more pedestrian space as well? I use a walking stick and my wife likes to visit this area and I find the pavements are pretty full at times as well as obstructed by the pavement dining in some areas of Newmarket.
    It would seem that we should be thinking about removing parking from Broadway completely in the commercial strip.

    1. Absolutely. Parking should be the very lowest priority for road space on Broadway. I’m thinking a widened footpath and Copenhagen cycle lanes (like one of the suggested designs for K Rd), plus continuous bus lanes through the shopping strip and down along Manukau Rd, eliminating right turns if necessary.

  3. Kepa Road is on the outer here but the whole thing needs redoing. The footpaths are barely ever used for pedestrians either up or down hill from the top of the hill and it’s a place where the terrain means a cyclist’s speed would be far too low to safely mix with traffic heading uphill. A separate cycleway on one side of the road (and reducing the footpath on the other, whichever it is) would go a long way towards solving that.

  4. Cycle routes need to be away from roads. Pointless wasting traffic /bus lanes when we have such congestion. And before any fool gets too excited about predicted numbers, I didn’t see any cyclists in todays weather. Doubt we will in inclement weather.

    1. In this case there’s a big footpath that no one uses – you wouldn’t really need to take space away from anyone who isn’t already using it.

    2. My husband and I were both out cycling in the rain today. I was commuting from Parnell to Auckland university and he was commuting to work in Newmarket. Both of us saw plenty of other cyclists out and about with their raincoats on.

      1. @ella – Ricardo basically trolls with extreme car-only views, and perhaps he really does believe them, but he’s not an individual swayed by facts or any evidence to the contrary, so no real point engaging him most of the time. As clearly there were people out cycling yesterday, I saw dozens around town.

  5. Wow the Auckland cycle network map on ATs website appears to consider crappy painted discontinuous bike lanes and the Onewa Rd shared path to be “cycleways”. That is rather concerning, do these people know what they are talking about?

    1. As a frequent cycle user of Onewa Rd hurdles path, the answer from me is a resounding “no”. I also find that map very frustrating.I think there should be a clear definition and different colours/markings for quiet roads, trails, shared paths, bus lanes, cycle lanes, cycleways. Additionally there should be also a clear indication of the user priority on these. Ie. on cycleways, the peds move to the side and give way to cycles. On shared paths pedestrians have priority and cycles are required to slow down around peds. On bus lanes, cycles are asked to be considerate of the buses and if possible let them go first… or something along these lines, not gospel, but written guidelines/etiquette.

  6. Love to see Tamaki Drive cycle lane,where possible, changed to allow buses to use it in peak times-that would be a real plus

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