A timely reminder from Auckland Transport that submissions on the draft Regional Public Transport Plan close on November 5th: next Monday.
Time is running out to have your say on the future of public transport services in Auckland.
Transforming Auckland’s current complex mix of public transport services into a mature city-wide network of connected, reliable and frequent services is a key proposal of the Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP). Public consultation on the plan closes at 4pm on Monday 5 November 2012.
The plan outlines the public transport services and policies proposed for the region over the next 10 years. It is viewed by Auckland Transport as a change maker in respect of the way public transport will be delivered for customers.
The draft Plan proposes a simpler, more integrated network. This will enable improved access to more destinations through better connections, reduced waiting times and deliver a network of frequent services at least every 15 minutes. It will change the way public transport is delivered in Auckland.
The Plan is built around a frequent service network, which includes rail, and the Northern Busway, supplemented with high-frequency bus routes connecting major centres; it will deliver at least a 15-minute service, from 7am-7pm, with reduced frequencies outside those hours. The network will be complemented by connecting routes which operate at half-hourly frequencies. Supporting this are local services, peak-only services, and targeted services catering for specific local needs.
A copy of the draft Plan, summary document and feedback form can be found at www.aucklandtransport.govt.nz/rptp
Key initiatives for the plan include the exciting new public transport network and a zone based integrated fares system. Both initiatives are really great to see and will contribute to the necessary and long overdue overhaul of our PT system. It’s important for submissions to support such bold initiatives and inevitably there will be those who oppose change – and we can be sure they will jump up and down to make their voices heard.
Sent in my submission today: http://fullerswatch.blogspot.co.nz/2012/11/submission-to-draft-2012-auckland.html
as I’m out of town on family business, I did a quick submission and got it in with a minute to spare!
I had three minutes to spare-
While the deadline has passed, I suspect your late submissions will still be accepted if you get them in soon. Not like AT’s going to have them all read and summarised by the end of today! If you haven’t submitted yet, get one in.
second that!