1. I think as long as you have a tertiary version of the Hop card (which can be collected at the below locations and dates) you will always receive student fares. (note that the inner city / link fares for adult are the same as for tertiary students so no discount on those beyond the standard hop discount).

    Auckland Uni​ (City campus) 2 – 6 May, 9 – 27 May​ and 30 May – 3 June
    AUT​ (City campus) 2 – 4 May and 30 May – 3 June (TBC)
    Massey​ 5 May (TBC)
    MIT​ (East Tamaki campus) 9 – 11 May (TBC)
    Unitec​ (Mt Albert campus) 9 – 10 May (TBC)

    The below link shows the student fares:


    Remember Auckland Transport now recommends against using 10 trip tickets. This is a great move as it allows much more flexibility for users.

    Also snappers business model will not work if people have there cards only loaded up with 10-trips. It requires most people to use stored value so they can impulsively use it to make micro payments.

  2. haha mental.
    I kind of like the end bit too. ”train and ferries will come later, just wait ok?! alright sweet!”

  3. But it still leaves the question why NZ Bus gets to be first and all others are relegated to 2013. Surely it should b e phased in equally

  4. @Ron, because Infratil were going to launch Snapper regardless which would have cause massive confusion. AT had to do a deal with them to brand the snapper cards Hop so it did not hurt the proper launch later in the year.

  5. AWESOME video – at last! So the system in phase 1 is basically a rebadaged Snapper from Wellington that’s why it’s only on NZ Bus (the Infratil connection). Phase 2 later this year is the real system with Ferries and Trains but we’ll need a card swap. I’m wondering how the Snapper system will work then – my guess is there will be different cards for Snapper (micropayment) and HOP…someone tell me I’m wrong! My Wellington spies tell me there are other Banks starting to get involved – perhaps we’ll be getting a HOP/Mastercard in time for the RWC?

  6. Yes, Snapper will have to change their java based card to use DESFire in order for it to be compatible with the Thales system. This means either changing the physical card or using a Java DESFire emulator, which is currently under development.

    1. Which means we will need to top up two e-purses from phase 2, even if Snapper and HOP are on the same card. I can imagine the confusion of having 2 e-purses on one card – I think I’d prefer 2 cards.

  7. Yes, the 40% discount applies to ePurse transactions payed directly from card… But it will be applicable onyl for Tag On/Tag off transactions.. i.e. If you use your ePurse to buy a paper ticket, NO DISCOUNT… However the student profile needed to loaded onto the card. Retailers can do this for you with your valid student card.

    And by the way, the fares for 10 trip and ePurse are jsut the same! yes, just the same! So, always always topup using ePurse, so you have flexibility on stages and top-up dollars…!!

    The HOP Man.

  8. Hop cards come into use on Monday and I am yet to met someone to swap my go rider card for a hop card even when I have been lurking around the bus stops mentioned on their website.
    I am not the only one as there are 6 people I catch the bus with from various organisations and they find themselves in the same position.
    Anyone seen these Hop Helpers in the city today ?

  9. Thanks Matt

    I think I might be falling through the cracks as I go from Sunnynook Station to Newmarket
    Matt when you see them is that during normal commuter times or over the whole day
    I might make a trip into the city, by PT of course, to track them down

  10. “Also snappers business model will not work if people have there cards only loaded up with 10-trips. It requires most people to use stored value so they can impulsively use it to make micro payments.”

    Yes, but then if you top up with e-money at a retailer then they slap you with a 25c fee each time, just for the privilege………An extra cost that the consumer has to bear – what’s in it for us?

    Auckland should take a look at Christchurch – there they have the MetroCard – with zoned fares, tag on (no need to tag off and slow down the exit from the bus), ability to swap buses with no extra charge within 2 hours of the first card use (within the same zone), and the ability to top up the card on the bus so no need to go to retailers if you’re not close by. I fail to see why the Christchurch model hasn’t been rolled out across the country, I found it was an excellent service.

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