Light rail veers off course

The government has released the recommendations from the Auckland Light Rail team (ALR), ahead of this being considered by Cabinet later this year. This appears to be a case of trying to gauge public reaction so they don’t end up with a repeat of the Northern Pathway – and that’s understandable given the cost of the options now range from $9 billion to $16.3 billion.…

Auckland Light Rail suggest Light Rail in Auckland

Auckland Light Rail (ALR) have announced they think light rail is the best solution for the City Centre to Mangere corridor, though they are still holding back key details about just what that could be. Back in April when this latest process was announced the Minister confirmed was keen to reassure us and the public  that this wouldn’t be a case of starting from scratch once again.…

How we’d build Light Rail

Tomorrow (Tuesday 31 August), the consultation for the Auckland Light Rail process closes. If you haven’t already, now’s a good time to provide some feedback. We’ve been somewhat critical of this engagement process due to a lack of information about some of the key trade-offs that need to be made.…

The Crosstown Light Rail Option

In some posts recently I’ve mentioned about the idea of a crosstown light rail line. It’s something we’ve talked about before but given the discussions currently underway about light rail, it’s probably worth re-looking at. To explain the idea, let’s start by looking at the strategic ideas behind it.…

Light Rail Next Steps

Last Monday I wrote about some of the trade-offs we can expect will need to be made when the government make a decision on Light Rail, something we originally expected later this month. Then on Wednesday, Transport Minister Michael Wood made an announcement on it, setting up a group look at the trade-offs of the various options that have arisen for light rail.…